• 28 years of experience in Japan and Korea, 30 years of experience in the Americas and five years of experience in Europe.
  • Main areas of concentration are the technology and financial services sectors, but we continue to do work in the   consumer goods, energy and other sectors as well.


  • Research and analysis- Targeted research regarding competitors, potential business opportunites related to your product, and other miscellaneous informational assets you as an individual or company require.
  • Provide strategic meaningful introductions of key people or businesses in your industry (local and international) to expand your network and facilitate your company's success.
  • Advice and consultation on the business landscape in a (general or specific), tailored to the AO you are trying to target.
  • Ad Hoc assignment specific research. 
  • Help and advice on raising venture capital (not direct, but through our professional network).  

Many companies that are trying to grow, compete and establish themselves in our areas of coverage, rely on information to make the right decisions and get connected with the right people that can make a difference in their success. We play a key part in helping companies and professionals get the information and personal connections they need to accomplish this through our research and already established network.


If you are interested in finding out more about how we can help and what we do, please reach out to us at admin@japanra.com